Hi there! Nice swedish 17 year old, LOOKING FOR NEW FRIENDS! Boys mostly... =) Keep in touch!
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Posted by Angelika! (Aex@positive-thinking.com ) on January 25, 1999 at 04:29:39 AM MST:
I am a 17 year old girl, live about in the middle of Sweden. Love travelling, music and meeting new friends, that愀 why I惴 out here looking for new ones. I would prefer that you愉e english or american, well... it doesn愒 matter that much.
As long as you愉e nice, friendly, and have a bit of humorit will be great!
Keep in touch /Angelika
Follow Ups:
Re: Hi there! Nice swedish 17 year old, LOOKING FOR NEW FRIENDS! Boys mostly... =) Keep in touch! M.E.C 12:32:57 PM 09/11/99
Re: Hi there! Nice swedish 17 year old, LOOKING FOR NEW FRIENDS! Boys mostly... =) Keep in touch! Chhay Iem 11:47:55 PM 08/05/99
Re: Hi there! Nice swedish 17 year old, LOOKING FOR NEW FRIENDS! Boys mostly... =) Keep in touch! X 12:24:38 PM 04/07/99
Re: Hi there! Nice swedish 17 year old, LOOKING FOR NEW FRIENDS! Boys mostly... =) Keep in touch! mohd syamsul nazari 10:38:22 PM 04/04/99
Re: Hi there! Nice swedish 17 year old, LOOKING FOR NEW FRIENDS! Boys mostly... =) Keep in touch! Tommy Lee 08:39:27 PM 04/04/99
Re: Hi there! Nice swedish 17 year old, LOOKING FOR NEW FRIENDS! Boys mostly... =) Keep in touch! Manoj M.Chaturvedi 05:06:51 AM 04/03/99
Here I'm... Hamza 03:55:11 PM 04/01/99
Re: Hi there! Nice swedish 17 year old, LOOKING FOR NEW FRIENDS! Boys mostly... =) Keep in touch! Ian RP 04:09:21 PM 02/07/99
Re: Hi there! Nice swedish 17 year old, LOOKING FOR NEW FRIENDS! Boys mostly... =) Keep in touch! williecrum 10:32:38 AM 02/03/99
hi gir;l Roger 12:53:57 PM 02/02/99
Re: Hi there! Nice swedish 17 year old, LOOKING FOR NEW FRIENDS! Boys mostly... =) Keep in touch! wayne 04:23:39 AM 02/02/99
Re: Hi there! Nice swedish 17 year old, LOOKING FOR NEW FRIENDS! Boys mostly... =) Keep in touch! vikramaditya 06:16:44 AM 01/30/99
Re: Hi there! Nice swedish 17 year old, LOOKING FOR NEW FRIENDS! Boys mostly... =) Keep in touch! Jimbo 10:52:30 PM 01/29/99
Re: Hi there! Nice swedish 17 year old, LOOKIN
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